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【新闻】Qt 4.1.0 Release Candidate is now available. [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2005-11-23
Qt 4.1 introduces many new features as well as many improvements and
bug fixes over the 4.0.x series. Qt 4.1 extends Qt 4's new
technologies with the following features:

- Integrated support for rendering Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
drawings and animations.

- A Portable Document Format (PDF) backend for Qt's printing system.

- A unit testing framework for Qt applications and libraries.

- Modules for extending Qt Designer and dynamic user interface

- New proxy models to enable view-specific sorting and filtering of
data displayed using item views.

- Additional features for developers using OpenGL, such as support
for pixel and sample buffers.

- A flexible syntax highlighting class based on the Scribe rich text

- Support for network proxy servers using the SOCKS5 protocol.

- Support for OLE verbs and MIME data handling in ActiveQt.

How to get the Release Candidate:


Please send bug reports to qt-bugs@trolltech.com.
[ 此贴被XChinux在2005-11-23 16:20重新编辑 ]

只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2005-12-19
请教版主大人,Release Candidate 是什么意思

只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2005-12-20
自己去查了一下,Release Candidate与beta版的区别在于:beta版的下一个版本还有可能完善或加入新的功能,而Release Candidate版只是修改一些错误。

顺便说一下, 昨天,Qt 4.1已经正式发布了。
[ 此贴被yanboo在2005-12-20 21:02重新编辑 ]

只看该作者 3楼 发表于: 2005-12-20
Re:【新闻】Qt 4.1.0 Release Candidate is now avai
哇,真的呀,Qt 4.0.1发布了,我昨天晚上还专门去看了呢,当时那个新闻图片迟迟没打开,就关闭了,又慢了一步,呵呵。
二笔 openSUSE Vim N9 BB10 XChinux@163.com 网易博客 腾讯微博
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