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外国论坛,英语论坛- 边学英语边赚零花钱 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2009-10-29
网络兼职(英语兼职)- Mylot 赚美金 + 返佣 + 英语提高

1) 简介:

mylot[1]是美国一家知名的大型博客公司,该公司官方网站2003年注册并开始运营。为了提高网站访问量提升网站的排名,他以独特的雇佣模式来换取访问量。相应如果访问量的提升会给mylot带来巨大的利润。如果你在mylot 的网站里发表问题或者回答问题那么你就会得到相应的佣金.  你不需要花任何一分钱, 只需要一个 E-mail 加入会员, 并且经由发贴,跟贴,贴图来赚钱. 每发一贴得1-5美分


Mylot 是一个国外超强英语论坛站,在这里你可以和英美人就各种话题交流,学到纯正的英语,结交世界各地的朋友!提高我们的英语。


2) 注册地址:http://www.mylot.com/?ref=karenkarenkk

3)    如何发帖,回复赚钱:(切记。不要发垃圾回复和贴子)

起帖:new discussion (左上角,第一行)
一.点general discussion直接进入发贴页面,写好topic和内容,加关键字(tag),点post new disscussion就发贴成功.

二.点manage interests,会出为很多兴趣,点add,输入你发与这个兴趣相关贴子所要显示的用户名,输入后点add,你每添加一个兴趣,都会在start a new discussion里面显示一个小图标,你可以点一个小图标,发表你感兴趣的事物有关的话题,选好topic和内容,要加关键字(tag)点post new disscussion就发贴成功

回帖: Discussions

你可以点进去,里面会有许多其他网友发表的话题,你选一个话题,打开,点respond to this discussion进行回复,写好内容,post response 提交回复,点post response后,要加关键字(tag)回贴成功


4)  Some tips for you:  

--- Have your post more than 4 -5 rows, as the longer your post is, the more you earn.  Generally, you get US0.01 to US0.05 per post.  It is not that much, anyway we earn while we learn.  

--- The topic can be simple, such as “ how often you call your parent?” pick some topic that is not difficut to be answered, or you might not get response.  I suggest you try some response first to see what kind of topic are popular and might get heat.  

--- The more your post get response the more you earn.  The post you started must get at least 2 response, or you will not get paid.

--- Comment back others response also makes money.  And this effect your ranking in Mylot. The higher ranking you get, the more you earn for each post.

--- Tag your post while you submit it, the serious you are, the more you earn.

--- Never灌水, or make your post too short, etc, only one to two sentences.  If not, you can not get pay, or get less pay.

--- You will only see your profit the next day around 22:00-24:00 for how much you earn.  

5)如何添加paypal收款帐号: 点preference再点payment information, 填完后记得点Update

有什么问题,可随时Q我(471792166)。 我白天要上班,有时不能及时回复,请留言,我会于当天内答复。

  你除了可从Mylot 赚取美金外,还可从我这提取佣金,不管你有没达到支付,通过发帖每赚取1美金可从我这得到0.5元,我将在24小时内通过支付宝付给您。(目前我是第一个给下线返佣的,你做别人下线是领取不到返佣的)注册好后请QQ告诉我你的用户名。
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