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[提问]关于QMdiArea 的removeSubWindow 接口 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 正序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2011-03-06
这是从文档下面拷过来的 没看懂 不是我英语不过关  是因为文档貌似有语法错误 实在晦涩...

Removes widget from the MDI area. The widget must be either a QMdiSubWindow or a widget that is the internal widget of a subwindow. Notewidget is never actually deleted by QMdiArea. If a QMdiSubWindowis passed in its parent is set to 0 and it is removed, but if an internal widget is passed in the child widget is set to 0 but the QMdiSubWindow is not removed.
See also addSubWindow().

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