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[新闻]Qt Creator 2.2.1 released [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2011-06-21
Since there were quite a few interesting fixes accumulating in the 2.2 branch of our Qt Creator IDE over the last 6 weeks or so, we decided that it would be nice to let you benefit from them, especially since the timing with the Qt SDK patch release today couldn’t have been better. So today we present the Qt Creator 2.2.1 release to you.

To make it clear, this is really a very limited scope, focused patch release, with roughly 30 changes in it, including but not limited to:

    Fixed ABI detection of static mingw libraries
    Some CDB debugging fixes and a few other small debugging fixes
    Fixes to resolving imports in QML and the mobility type descriptions
    Translation fixes

Download Qt Creator 2.2.1
Download Qt SDK 1.1.2
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