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QT 4.4.3 connects SQL server 2005 error [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2011-12-09
It always popup a the dialog "Driver not  loaded Driver not loaded" I had copy all dirvers (QTDIR / plugins/ sqldrivers)  4 dll(qsqlite4.dll qsqlited4.dll,
qsqlodbc4.dll,qsqlodbc4d.dll) to my local debug directory (debug/sqldirvers/).

At first, In .Pro file I add the one line "LIBS += QtSql.lib"

bool createConnection()
  QSqlQuery query;
bool bResult = false;
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("ODBC","staffManager") // staffManager is my database name.
db.setHostName("sever"); // sever is my server name;
if(!db.open()) // it can open database but can not query table it says "Driver not  loaded Driver not loaded"
  QMessage::about (0,Object::tr("DataBase error"),db.lastError().text());
  return false;
  bResult = query.exec("select * from department");// department is table of database staffManager ; // bResult is false
   QMessage::warning(0,Object::tr("DataBase error"),db.lastError().text()); // here it popup the error info."Driver not  loaded Driver not loaded"


I hope experts can give me some good solution.
Thank you.

只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2011-12-09
回 楼主(ningfeng8899) 的帖子
you call the function QSqlDatabase::drivers () to get the available drivers in qt Currently. if the sql server driver is not in the result, you can compile the sql server driver.

只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2011-12-09
Thanks. The actually reason is that I must invoked functions with following method.

// at first relates your database name;
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase ::database(databasename);
// databasename is your database name.
QSqlQuery _query = QSqlQuery("select * from tablename",db);
// db is your specified database.
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