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[提问]Qtopia2.2移植安装出错!急求助 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2012-04-27
我是按照飞凌板子上的文档编译的,编译没有错误,但是make install的时候出现来错误。
arm-linux-strip "/root/yizhi/qtopia/bin/qpe"
cp -f "../../bin/targzip" "/root/yizhi/qtopia/bin/"
arm-linux-strip "/root/yizhi/qtopia/bin/targzip"
arm-linux-strip: /root/yizhi/qtopia/bin/targzip: ?????????
make[6]: [install_bins] 错误 1 (忽略)
cp -f "../../bin/targunzip" "/root/yizhi/qtopia/bin/"
arm-linux-strip "/root/yizhi/qtopia/bin/targunzip"
arm-linux-strip: /root/yizhi/qtopia/bin/targunzip: ?????????
make[6]: [install_bins] 错误 1 (忽略)
下面是我在终端输入arm-linux-strip -v之后显示的:
root@w-Lenovo:~/yizhi/qtopia/bin# arm-linux-strip -v
Usage: arm-linux-strip <switches> in-file(s)
The switches are:
  -I --input-target <bfdname>      Assume input file is in format <bfdname>
  -O --output-target <bfdname>     Create an output file in format <bfdname>
  -F --target <bfdname>            Set both input and output format to <bfdname>
  -p --preserve-dates              Copy modified/access timestamps to the output
  -R --remove-section <name>       Remove section <name> from the output
  -s --strip-all                   Remove all symbol and relocation information
  -g -S --strip-debug              Remove all debugging symbols
     --strip-unneeded              Remove all symbols not needed by relocations
  -N --strip-symbol <name>         Do not copy symbol <name>
  -K --keep-symbol <name>          Only copy symbol <name>
  -x --discard-all                 Remove all non-global symbols
  -X --discard-locals              Remove any compiler-generated symbols
  -v --verbose                     List all object files modified
  -V --version                     Display this program's version number
  -h --help                        Display this output
  -o <file>                        Place stripped output into <file>
arm-linux-strip:?????: elf32-littlearm elf32-bigarm elf32-little elf32-big srec symbolsrec tekhex binary ihex
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