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Setting up Qt Creator for BlackBerry and QNX [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2012-12-26

Configure Qt Creator for BlackBerry

  • Enable the QNX plugin by starting Qt Creator the first time, go to Help -> About Plugins … -> Device Support, check the ‘QNX’ entry and restart Qt Creator.
  • Add the Blackberry device as device by going to Tools -> Options… -> Devices. Add a new device of type BlackBerry Device andenter all needed data into the wizard. The debug token should belocated under ~/.rim as well as the private key, or you can generate anew SSH key in the wizard.
  • Add the compiler to Qt Creator: Go to Tools -> Options… -> Build & Run -> Tool Chains. Add a new toolchain of type GCC. Select as compile path the executable $BBNDK/host/linux/x86/usr/bin/qcc and as ABI custom-arm-linux-generic-elf-32bit.

  • Add the Qt version for the Blackberry device to Qt Creator: Go to Tools -> Options… -> Build & Run > Qt Versions. Add a new Qt version and select the qmake executable from the Qt installation (e.g. /opt/qt-blackberry/bin/qmake for a selfcompiled Qt or$BBNDK/host/linux/x86/usr/bin/qmake for the Qt shipped with the SDK). Don’t forget to also set BlackBerry Native SDK path in this page!Note that the Qt shipped with the SDK needs a little fix first tomake this work. This fix is not needed for selfcompiled Qt versions.The SDKQt is missing the default symlink for the mkspec. To fix this, create the symlink $BBNDK/target/qnx6/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/default, pointing to$BBNDK/target/qnx6/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/unsupported/blackberry-armv7le-qcc.
Add the target for the Blackberry device to Qt Creator: Go to Tools -> Options… -> Build & Run > Targets. Add a new target (rename it ‘Playbook’ for example) and use BlackBerry Device as Device Type and the previously configured device. The Tool chain and Qt version must also point to the previously configured toolchain and Qt version. Also set up the path to the sysroot and debugger, which should point to $BBNDK/target/qnx6/armle-v7 and $BBNDK/host/linux/x86/usr/bin/ntoarm-gdb respectively. You can leave mkspec empty.

Compile and Deploy an application for BlackBerry

When selecting ‘File -> New File or Project…’ entry, you’ll seenow templates for BlackBerry applications. Select one of these andfollow the wizard. Go to ‘Projects -> Targets -> Run’ and selectthe ‘<projectname> on BlackBerry device’ entry from the comboboxin ‘Run configuration’.
Now you can compile and deploy the applications like done with anormal QtCreator setup and you will see it running on your BlackBerrydevice.

Configure Qt Creator for QNX

  • Enable the QNX plugin by starting Qt Creator the first time, go to Help -> About Plugins … -> Device Support, check the ‘QNX’ entry and restart Qt Creator.
  • Add the QNX device to Qt Creator by going to Tools -> Options… -> Devices*. Add a new device of type QNX Device and enter all needed data into the wizard.
  • Add the compiler to Qt Creator: Go to Tools -> Options… -> Build & Run -> Tool Chains. Add a new toolchain of type GCC. Select as compile path the executable $QNX_HOST/usr/bin/qcc and as ABI custom-arm-linux-generic-elf-32bit or custom-x86-linux-generic-elf-32bit if you are using the simulator.

  • Add the Qt version for QNX to Qt Creator: Go to Tools -> Options… -> Build & Run > Qt Versions. Add a new Qt version and select the qmakeexecutable from our selfcompiled Qt installation (e.g. /opt/qt-qnx/bin/qmake). Don’t forget to also set QNX Software Development Platform path in this page!
  • Add the target for the QNX device to Qt Creator: Go to Tools -> Options… -> Build & Run > Targets. Add a new target (rename it ‘QNX’ for example) and use QNX Device as Device Type and the previously configured device. The Tool chain and Qt version must also point to the previously configured toolchain and Qt version. Also set up the path to the sysroot and debugger,which should point to $QNX_TARGET/armle-v7 or $QNX_TARGET/x86 if youare using the simulator, and $BBNDK/host/linux/x86/usr/bin/ntoarm-gdb(ntox86-gdb for the simulator) respectively. You can leave mkspec empty.

Compile and Deploy an application for QNX

Compiling and deploying applications for QNX is very similar to howit is done for Remote Linux devices, see the Qt Creator manual for moreinformation at http://doc-snapshot.qt-project.org/qtcreator-2.5/creator-deployment-maemo.html

二笔 openSUSE Vim N9 BB10 XChinux@163.com 网易博客 腾讯微博
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