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[新闻]RIM pays developers $500,000 to build apps for BlackBerry 10 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2013-01-18

Summary: BlackBerry-maker Research in Motion is holding itslast port-a-thon for developers, aimed at bolstering the availabilityof BlackBerry 10-compatiable apps ahead of the OS' launch.

BlackBerry developers have one more chance to earn $100 per appsuccessfully submitted to BlackBerry App World during RIM's final'port-a-thon', an event designed to encourage developers to make theirapps work on the soon-to-launch BlackBerry 10 operating system.

The online event begins at 16:00GMT on Friday. Like the previous port-a-thon, held last week, it is intended to run for 36 hours.
Developers can use any development tools to create their apps,including the automated BlackBerry App Generator, which simply requiresentering an RSS feed and adding a logo for the most basic of apps.
In exchange for making apps compatible with BlackBerry 10, devs willreceive $100 per eligible app submitted to the store during theport-a-thon, up to a maximum of 20 paid apps per vendor. Submitting morethan five also means developers end up in a draw for one of 250 Dev Alpha BlackBerry 10 devices.
RIM said a total of $500,000 is available as part of the reward programme.
Its last port-a-thon overran by an hour and a half but resulted inmore than 15,000 additional app submissions to the App World Store.BlackBerry 10 is set to launch on 30 January.

二笔 openSUSE Vim N9 BB10 XChinux@163.com 网易博客 腾讯微博
承接C++/Qt、Qt UI界面、PHP及预算报销系统开发业务

只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2013-01-18
RIM 今日宣布将最后一次 Port-A-Thon 开发者活动的奖金总额提高一倍至 200 万美元。

RIM 举办的 Port-A-Thon 活动旨在吸引开发者为 Blackberry 10 平台开发应用,并希望利用 Port-A-Thon 活动来完善其应用生态。

目前每一款被 RIM 批准进入 Blackberry World 应用商店的应用的开发者都将获得 100 美元的奖金,每个开发者开发的应用上限为 20 个。提交 5 个或以上应用的开发者将获得限量版 Blackberry 10 手机。
二笔 openSUSE Vim N9 BB10 XChinux@163.com 网易博客 腾讯微博
承接C++/Qt、Qt UI界面、PHP及预算报销系统开发业务
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