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qt5.2.1 + Directfb1.7.1 交叉编译运行到arm板 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2014-02-18

      单独 qt5.2.1 跑到板子上运行helloworld通过
      单独 Directfb1.7.1 跑到板子上运行demo程序正常

可是编译qt5.2.1 配置成使用directfb显示 运行到板子上就这样

# ./lib/test12 -platform directfb

(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'SigHandler' (121) [CRITICAL - OTHER/0] <8388608>...

   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| DirectFB 1.7.1 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        (c) 2012-2013  DirectFB integrated media GmbH
        (c) 2001-2013  The world wide DirectFB Open Source Community
        (c) 2000-2004  Convergence (integrated media) GmbH

(*) DirectFB/Core: Single Application Core. (2014-02-14 02:35) [ DEBUG ]
(*) Direct/Memcpy: Using libc memcpy()
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'Fusion Dispatch' (122) [MESSAGING - OTHER/0] <8388608>...
(*) DirectFB/FBDev: Found 'v8-fb UI' (ID 0) with frame buffer at 0x87400000, 1024k (MMIO 0x00000000, 0k)
(!) DirectFB/Keyboard: Could not open() /dev/tty0!
    --> No such file or directory
(*) DirectFB/Input: Hot-plug detection enabled with Input Hub Driver
(*) DirectFB/Graphics: Generic Software Rasterizer 0.7 (directfb.org)
(*) DirectFB/Core/WM: Default 0.3 (directfb.org)
(*) Direct/Thread: Started 'Genefx' (123) [DEFAULT - OTHER/0] <8388608>...
(*) FBDev/Mode: Setting 320x240 ARGB
(*) FBDev/Mode: Switched to 320x240 (virtual 320x240) at 32 bit (ARGB), pitch 1280
(*) FBDev/Mode: Setting 320x240 ARGB
(*) FBDev/Mode: Switched to 320x240 (virtual 320x240) at 32 bit (ARGB), pitch 1280
QThread: Destroyed while thread is still running
Segmentation fault

只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2014-04-10

只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2014-07-04
不知directfb linuxfb xcb这些后端都是有什么区别和优缺点呢?网上搜索了半天也搞不明白。。。。。
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