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[新闻]Qt 5.4.1 发布了 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2015-02-25

Qt 5.4.1 Released

Published Tuesday February 24th, 2015
Posted in Releases

Today we have released Qt 5.4.1, the first patch update to Qt 5.4. In addition to improvements and fixes to Qt functionality it also packs new Qt Creator 3.3.1.
Qt 5.4.0 released in December introduced many features such as our new Chromium-based Qt WebEngine, WinRT support (including Windows Phone), and several Graphics improvements. With Qt 5.4.1 we are providing a good set of bug fixes and enhancements – thanks to all the feedback and reports we’ve received.
Qt 5.4.1 restores binary compatibility for Qt 5.3.2 (and the Qt 5 series) on Windows. Unfortunately Qt 5.4.0 broke binary compatibility on Windows when using MSVC 2012 or MSVC 2013, which is now fixed in Qt 5.4.1, and thus it maintains backward and forward compatibility with the Qt 5 series (except for Qt 5.4.0). Qt 5.4.1 also fixes many of the known issues of Qt 5.4.0, including building Qt on Linux without dbus (QTBUG-43205). Starting with Qt 5.4.1, QtDBus is enabled for all builds.
Other important fixes in Qt 5.4.1 include enabling JIT by default in the Qt Quick Engine (QTBUG-43171), a couple of critical fixes to OpenGL (QTBUG-43178 and QTBUG-43318), and fixes to Mac binaries (QTBUG-42594, QTBUG-43100). Qt 5.4.1 also provides a large number of improvements to WinRT (for example QTBUG-41769, QTBUG-43862, and QTBUG-44196), and adds support for Windows 10 Technical Preview (QTBUG-43413).
The device creation reference stacks for embedded Linux and embedded Android have also been updated to use Qt 5.4.1. There are some improvements in functionality, for example better support for compiling projects using embedded Linux toolchains and having add-on modules built into the image included in the generated Qt Creator custom Kit.
The full list of important changes can be found from the change files for each module.
The packages of Qt 5.4.1 also include new Qt Creator 3.3.1. See the blog post about Qt Creator 3.3.1 for the main improvements.
If you are using online installer, Qt 5.4.1 and Creator 3.3.1 can be updated using the maintenance tool. Offline packages are found from the Qt Account(for Enterprise users) and from the Download page (for Community users).
Join the live webinar
Please join us for a live webinar on Wednesday, 25 February where we will present an overview of Qt 5.4. We’ve spent countless hours ensuring that Qt 5.4 is our best release yet, and we can’t wait to show you what we’ve done! A copy of the recording will be sent to all webinar registrants, so please feel free to register even if you can’t attend due to limited live seating. Register now!


只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2015-02-25
太好了 就等他发布了  今天一上班就看到发布了

只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2015-02-25
3、WinRT这块的支持得到了完善。比如说Qt 5.4的退出无效,只是转入后台了,Qt 5.4.1修复了。声音的问题还在解决中,下载了新版本后我再试试。

还有Qt Creator 3.3.1加入了,据我所知,Qt Creator 3.3.0还有一些bug,希望新的版本修复。

只看该作者 3楼 发表于: 2015-02-25

只看该作者 4楼 发表于: 2015-02-25
专业维修核潜艇,回收二手航母、二手航天飞机,大修核反应堆,拆洗导弹发动机更换机油,无人侦察机手动挡改自动,航天飞机保养换三滤,飞碟外太空年检 ,各型号导弹加装迎宾踏板,高空作业擦洗卫星表面除尘、打蜡及抛光,东风全系列巡航导弹。并提供原子对撞机。量大从优,有正规发票。

只看该作者 5楼 发表于: 2015-02-28

只看该作者 6楼 发表于: 2015-03-02

只看该作者 7楼 发表于: 2015-03-05
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