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用于eclipse的QT插件 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2006-08-13

Currently supported features are:

Autotools Project Wizards:
Standard hello world autotools based application wizard
Creates launch/debug configuration for binary targets in the project
KDE Project Wizards:
Standard KDE application wizard
Standard KDE application wizard with Qt Designer Form
KParts application framework with part and shell
Automake Manager View:
Shows all automake-based projects from the current workspace with their subprojects, targets and files
Provides a list of editable properties for elements in the automake view in the Eclipse's default property sheet (Properties view)
Allows to run autotools chain (aclocal, autoconf, automake) on projects
Allows to configure projects
Allows to build, clean and install projects and subprojects
Enables builds with build directory different from source directory
Creates and removes automake targets
Autotools Core Functionality:
Provides automake file parser to fill Automake Manager view
Implements automake file refactoring to allow programmatical changes in automake files
Automake Support in Resource Views:
Listens to modifications in the project resource tree
Asks for automake subproject addition when source folders are added to the project
Moves/renames subprojects when their container folders are moved/renamed
Removes automake subprojects when their container folders are removed
Asks for addition to targets when source files are added to the project or project folders
Removes renamed files from targets and asks for addition to targets for files with new name
Moves files between targets/subprojects when source files are moved
Removes files from targets when source files are removed
Refreshes automake manager view on manual Makefile.am updates
Cheat Sheets:
Building KParts application framework cheatsheet
Qt Designer Support:
Provides Qt3-style .ui form subclassing wizard to implement slots defined in a form
Provides Qt4-style .ui form subclassing wizard which uses multiple inheritance approach
Qt/QMake Support:
Qt3 application wizard
Qt4 application wizard
Allows to build QMake applications
Creates run/debug configurations for QMake projects
QMake Manager View:
Provides a graphical representation (tree) of subprojects and files inside a project
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