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realfan 2015-06-19 10:37


Notepad++ leaves SourceForge

14 Jun 2015 22:27:05

SourceForge was a good place; unfortunately, sometimes good places don't last.

Recently SF hijacked its hosted projects to distribute their wrapped crapware:

SourceForge grabs GIMP for Windows' account, wraps installer in bundle-pushing adware
Black “mirror”: SourceForge has now taken over Nmap audit tool project
What happened to Sourceforge? The full story between VLC and Sourceforge
Obviously, the paid component per installation system is one of their important income generating scams. I would be fine with that, if they were the actual owners of the legitimate software. The real problem is, they are polluting these open source software installations for the purpose of filling their pockets by this scam, and worst of all, without even notifying the authors/creators of this software, while the creators are struggling against such parasitic software in order to keep their installers cleaner and safer.

Such a shameless policy should be condemned, and the Notepad++ project will move entirely out of SourceForge.

I humbly request that Notepad++ users not encourage such scams, and educate others not to download any software from SourceForge. I request as well that the project owners on SourceForge move out of SourceForge, in order to preserve the purpose of the Open Source Community and encourage the works of true authors/creators.

realfan 2015-06-19 10:39

toby520 2015-06-19 13:58
呵呵 ,那网站感觉不怎么样啊

彩阳 2015-06-19 23:32

transformer 2015-06-20 04:35
自从有微软vcode 之后我就卸载这玩意儿了,早就不想用了

realfan 2015-06-20 17:08
彩阳:notepad++支持Linux吗? (2015-06-19 23:32) 


llwj0303 2015-06-23 15:39

hehui 2016-02-01 10:28

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