
http://www.qtcn.org/bbs/u/107506  [收藏] [复制]


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  • 等级:侠客
  • 总积分:267
  • 保密,2010-11-08




QML  冒号 等号 赋值 binding assignment 区别

2014-05-30 10:41
Text {
        id: label
        x: 24; y: 24
        // custom counter property for space presses
        property int spacePresses: 0
        text: "Space pressed: " + spacePresses + " times"
        // (1) handler for text changes
        onTextChanged: console.log("text changed to:", text)
        // need focus to receive key events
        focus: true
        // (2) handler with some JS
        Keys.onSpacePressed: {
        // clear the text on escape
        Keys.onEscapePressed: {
            label.text = ''
        // (3) a JS function
        function increment() {
            spacePresses = spacePresses + 1

The difference between the QML : (binding) and the JavaScript = (assignment) is, that the binding is a contract and keeps true over the lifetime of the binding, whereas the JavaScript assignment (=) is a one time value assignment. The lifetime of a binding ends, when a new binding is set to the property or even when a JavaScript value is assigned is to the property. For example a key handler setting the text property to an empty string would destroy our increment display:
Keys.onEscapePressed: {
    label.text = ''
After pressing escape, pressing the space-bar will not update the display anymore as the previous binding of the text property (text: “Space pressed: ” + spacePresses + ” times”) was destroyed.
When you have conflicting strategies to change a property as in this case (text updated by a change to a property increment via a binding and text cleared by a JavaScript assignment) then you can’t use binding! You need to use assignment on both property change paths as the binding will be destroyed by the assignment (broken contract!).


上一篇: QFlags and enum 用法



2014-05-30 17:40 -

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