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aix 上qt编译好就不能换安装目录了吗? [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2012-04-14
aix 上qt编译好就不能换安装目录了吗?
换了后qmake -v还是指向原来的目录,设置环境变量后qmake虽然指向的是新换目录的,但是编译程序时提示:
h.h", line 58.4: 1540-0859 (S) #error directive: "Qt has not been ported to this
", line 40.10: 1540-0836 (S) The #include file <QtCore/qconfig.h> is not found.
", line 1117.4: 1540-0859 (S) #error directive: "Qt not configured correctly, pl
ease run configure".
", line 2006.6: 1540-0859 (S) #error directive: "Qt not configured correctly, pl
ease run configure".
make:1254-004 上次命令的错误代码为 1。
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