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qt 的第三方库和插件
本帖被 XChinux 设置为精华(2013-06-29)
原始网址是http://qt-project.org/wiki/Category:Add-ons希望需要的同学可以去看看,可以省下很多时间 Add-onsThese are third party add-ons and libraries for Qt: Open Source License:Third party add-ons and libraries under open source licenses: Project | Description | License Type | GLC_lib[glc-lib.net] | C++ library for high performance 3D application based on OpenGL and Qt4 GUI | LGPL | libircclient-qt[gitorious.org] | IRC client implementation. Used by open source Comuni | LGPL | QextSerialPort | Provides an interface to old fashioned serial ports | MIT | QTermWidget[qtermwidget.sourceforge.net] | Qt-based console similar to Konqueror; runs on Qt/Embedded | GPL | Qwt[qwt.sourceforge.net] | Qt Widgets for Technical Applications (2D plots, sliders, dials, compasses, thermometers, …) | Qwt License | qtoolbox[github.com] | qtoolbox is a set of tools for everyday Qt development. A “swiss army knife”. Designed to be minimalistic, does “just what promised, nothing more” | Apache License Version 2.0 | Qt Cryptographic Architecture[delta.affinix.com] | QCA aims to provide a straightforward and cross-platform crypto API, using Qt datatypes and conventions which allow to cypher with RSA, AES, Blowfish, etc | LGPL | QScintilla[riverbankcomputing.co.uk] | add-on which allow to highlight syntax in Qt-applications (port from Scintilla with more Qt-like API) | LGPL | QJson[qjson.sourceforge.net] | QJson a easy way to manage JSON in QVariant/QVariantMap/QVariantList | LGPL | QuaZIP[quazip.sourceforge.net] | Qt wrapper for zip/unzip package | GPL, LGPL | Log4Qt[log4qt.sourceforge.net] | Qt port of the Apache Software Foundation Log4j package | Apache License Version 2.0 | Log4Qt fork[gitorious.org] | Qt port of the Apache Software Foundation Log4j package, Extension of the original Log4Qt project (SimpleTimeLayout, SignalAppender, DatabaseAppender, DatabaseLayout , Telnet appender, ..) | Apache License Version 2.0 | LibQxt[libqxt.org] | LibQxt is an extension library for Qt providing a suite of cross-platform utility classes to add functionality not readily available in Qt (Logging Framework, Web Service Framework, etc.) | Common Public License v1.0, LGPL | QxOrm[qxorm.com] | QxOrm is a C++ library designed to provide Object Relational Mapping (ORM) feature to C++ and Qt users (persistence, serialization, reflection) | LGPL | QSerialDevice[gitorious.org] | cross-platform library for serial devices based on Qt4 (is frozen, see new QtSerialPort) | GPL | QtSerialPort | add-on tools for Qt4/Qt5, which provides a single interface for both hardware and virtual serial ports | LGPL | KArchive[blogs.kde.org] | Gzip/bzip2 compression QIODevice, and support for ZIP, TAR, AR and 7Zip archives | LGPL | Novile[github.com] | Port of Ace source code web editor to Qt via Qt WebKit. Has API wrapper with properties and signals&slots | LGPL | Commercial License:Third party add-ons and libraries under commercial licenses: