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[新闻]Qt Creator 2.8 RC released [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2013-06-28

Qt Creator 2.8 RC released

Published Friday June 28th, 2013 | by Eike Ziller

We proudly present the Qt Creator 2.8 release candidate today. On top of the features that we already published with the 2.8 beta, the release candidate includes lots of bug fixes both for functionality already available before the 2.8 series, as well as for the new features.

The release candidate is your chance to give us some final feedback, so download it from the links below, give it a try, and report any issues you find with it on the bugtracker, mailing list, or IRC (#qt-creator on freenode).

If you are interested in the new features of Qt Creator 2.8, you should first head over to the 2.8 beta release blog, where I already wrote about many of the new things you’ll find.

One thing that I haven’t mentioned yet, is that we added experimental support for debugging with LLDB (OS X), the LLVM debugger. This is important since Apple fades out GDB support on OS X, so we need to provide a different solution. We know that the current implementation is not feature complete yet, and it would be great for us to get more feedback on remaining critical issues. You can test LLDB debugging support by heading over to Preferences > Build & Run > Kits, the debugger setting of your kit, selecting LLDB Engine from the dropdown and setting the path to LLDB (/usr/bin/lldb if you installed the Xcode command line tools). Debugging with LLDB is possible both for projects compiled with Apple’s GCC (which is LLVM-based), and with Clang. Please report issues as subtasks of the master-task QTCREATORBUG-8825 (press the + button next to “Sub-tasks”).

To expand a bit further on what I just mentioned as “QNX received many fixes” in the beta blog post: There is a  BlackBerry development environment setup wizard now, which helps users to set up their development environment, including setting NDK path, registration, creating debug token, etc. Device connection handling has been refactored, reducing application startup times, and shows the connection state in the settings now, and provides control to manually connect and disconnect. And it received many fixes  .

Similarly with Android support: Highlights are that it’s now possible to debug and profile QML on devices and that a graphical editor for manifest files has been added. And it received many fixes .

Open source users find packages on the Qt Project Qt Creator 2.8.0 RC download page.

Qt Enterprise customers find packages in the Customer Portal. We have added a few extensions to the Enterprise packages for special use cases regarding Qt Quick. For more information see the Qt Enterprise product page.
二笔 openSUSE Vim N9 BB10 XChinux@163.com 网易博客 腾讯微博
承接C++/Qt、Qt UI界面、PHP及预算报销系统开发业务

只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2013-06-28
二笔 openSUSE Vim N9 BB10 XChinux@163.com 网易博客 腾讯微博
承接C++/Qt、Qt UI界面、PHP及预算报销系统开发业务

只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2013-06-28
不知道Qt Creator2.8与Qt5.1能不能一起发布

只看该作者 3楼 发表于: 2013-06-29
引用第2楼realfan于2013-06-28 22:46发表的  :
不知道Qt Creator2.8与Qt5.1能不能一起发布

二笔 openSUSE Vim N9 BB10 XChinux@163.com 网易博客 腾讯微博
承接C++/Qt、Qt UI界面、PHP及预算报销系统开发业务

只看该作者 4楼 发表于: 2013-06-30
回 3楼(XChinux) 的帖子
专业维修核潜艇,回收二手航母、二手航天飞机,大修核反应堆,拆洗导弹发动机更换机油,无人侦察机手动挡改自动,航天飞机保养换三滤,飞碟外太空年检 ,各型号导弹加装迎宾踏板,高空作业擦洗卫星表面除尘、打蜡及抛光,东风全系列巡航导弹。并提供原子对撞机。量大从优,有正规发票。
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