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[新闻]Qt 5.1 Released [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2013-07-03

Qt 5.1发布了

Published 星期四 七月 4th, 2013 | by Liang Qi                
原文链接:Lars KnollQt 5.1 Released
很高兴在这里宣布现在Qt 5.1可用了。自去年底Qt 5.0发布以来,已经过了6个多月。最初的计划主要是集中在对Qt 5.0的缺陷修复和稳定方面,不过我们超额完成了任务。这次发布在大量的小改进以及缺陷修复以外,还包含了大量的新功能。更详细的信息,请查看我们的Qt 5.1发布页面
Qt 5.1中还提供了全新发布的Qt Creator 2.7.2。您可以使用新的在线安装程序进行安装,它将会让您在未来可以自动无缝地进行升级。Visual Studio Add-in的一个新版本也可用了
我们已经添加了很多新模块,在5.0的基础上扩展了更多的功能。新的Qt Quick控件和Qt Quick布局模块最终提供了Qt Quick中的“窗口部件”。它们包含了一套全功能的控件和布局,可以极大地简化基于Qt Quick的界面工作。
Qt4时代就为大家所熟知的Qt Mobility中的Qt传感器(sensor),被正式添加到Qt 5.1中,它可以支持Android、Blackberry和iOS。还有一个新的Qt串口(serialport)模块,它允许您在Linux、Mac和Windows上控制串口连接。


Qt 5.1还把Qt带到了新的平台和操作系统上。首先,现在Qt支持Visual Studio 2012,并且在Windows上提供了ANGLE和桌面OpenGL的不同选项。
除了Qt Serialport、Qt WebKit和一部分的Qt Multimedia,Qt的Android版支持Qt5.1中的其它所有模块。Qt的Android版和Qt Creator的集成工作已经基本完成,除了向GooglePlay上传您的应用程序以外,您可以在Creator中完成其它所有工作。
除了Qt Quick2以外,Qt的iOS版支持上面Qt的Android版所支持的所有模块。这是因为iOS的限制,操作系统不允许使用V8 JavaScript引擎。我们将在Qt 5.2的iOS版中提供完整的Qt Quick支持。
您可以在App Store和Google Play中安装一些Qt的iOS和Android版的演示程序。对于Android,我们在Google Play中提供了Qt Everywhere demoQt 5 launch demo。这篇博文中介绍了如何向Google Play发布Qt应用程序的详细情况。对于iOS,我们在App Store中提供了一个基于Qt的小游戏Sub AttackQt Quicksand
最后,我希望您能享受Qt 5.1带来的欢乐。我个人认为这次发布是Qt的一个里程碑。现在,Qt是一个可以在桌面平台和很多嵌入式平台以外,又能在主流移动操作系统上工作的跨平台工具套件。
大量的辛勤工作才使得这次发布得以完成,在这里我向所有对Qt作出贡献的朋友表示感谢。正如以往一样,本文最后是一些照片,其中有很多(不过是全部当中的小部分)帮助过Qt 5.1发布的朋友们。


要试用Qt Enterprise商业版,请访问这里。您还可以在这里下载开源版本。

Let’s hear it for Qt 5.1!

Make it cross-platform like you mean it!

Qt 5.1 is the latest release of the cross-platform C++ Applicationand UI framework. You can now create native Qt-based cross-platformapplications all with one framework and target all the most popularoperating systems on desktop, embedded and mobile. Qt 5.1 improves theamazing UI possibilities by introducing a big boost to the central UItechnology, Qt Quick, with Qt Quick Controls and a new layout system.It has never been this effortless and productive to create astonishinguser experiences! As sugar on top, Qt 5.1 presents technology previewsof the official Qt ports on Android and iOS allowing you to start yourmulti-platform story on mobile as well.

Qt 5.1 Highlights

A full technical list of what is new in Qt 5.1 can be found in thispage.

A Qt Quick Boost

The central UI technology of Qt, Qt Quick, takes a big step forwardwith a new layout support and Qt Quick Controls, a pre-built toolboxof re-usable UI controls on top of the declarative QML language.

Qt Quick Controls

Qt Quick Controls, is a full library of pre-built, re-usable andcustomizable UI controls on top of the declarative QML language thattake Qt Quick development to a new level, especially on desktop platforms.Qt Quick Controls will soon go multi-platform and with Qt 5.1 we introducethe first batch, the controls for desktop platforms with native look-and-feel.The components can also be custom styled through a built-in StylingAPI. Besides all the convenient Buttons, Sliders, SpinBoxes, ButtonGroupsand other individual components, Qt Quick controls provide more UI framework-levelfunctionality with higher level elements such as ApplicationWindow,TabView, StackView, SplitView.

Qt Quick Controls provide native look-and-feel on all desktopplatforms in Qt 5.1

Qt Quick Layout Managers

To make UI creation with QML even more flexible, Qt 5.1 introducesnew UI layout manager elements that work both with the new controlsas well as traditional plain QML elements. The co-existence of the C++based QWidgets and QML based Qt Quick elements is also possible. Thisallows you to write hybrid user interfaces and seamlessly migrate graduallyto Qt Quick.
The new features of Qt Quick are described in detail in this blogpost.

New Platforms

See the power of Qt on Mobile and run your Qt code today on Android,iOS, BlackBerry10 or Mer/Sailfish. Most of the Qt functionality andtool integration is already in place allowing you to start with yourmobile ports of Qt applications already today. The deployment-readyports are coming with Qt 5.2 later this year.

This is what it’s all about: Qt 5 Cinematic Demo by QUITCodingrunning in iPad, BlackBerry Z10, Freescale i.MX6 with QNX and two differentAndroid devices (Samsung Galaxy S2 and Google Nexus 7)

Technology Preview of Qt for Android

The Qt for Android port is already rocksolid. Most of Qt 5.1 functionality is working on Android includingQWidgets, Qt Quick 1, Qt Quick 2, Qt Multimedia (excluding camera),and Qt Sensors. Tooling and deployment is supported for both X86 andARM targets with remote debugging and everything is fully integratedinto direct Qt Creator development and deployment. Deployment to GooglePlay is in preview phase and in Qt 5.1 it is done using an externalapplication, Ministro, which requires the end user to download the Qtlibraries via Ministro to his device before running the application.To see Qt for Android in action, download the “Qt Everywhere” demo fromGoogle Play to your own Android device.The final version of Qt for Android is coming out in Qt 5.2.

Qt Graphical Effects demo running on Android OS

Technology Preview of Qt for iOS

Like the Android port, the iOS port of Qt is already very usable.You can take your existing Qt code for a test-ride or start portingyour new, multi-platform apps to iOS as well! For instance QWidgets,Qt Quick 1 and Qt Sensors can be used on iOS with Qt 5.1 but Qt Quick2 is not yet supported in this technology preview and is expected inQt 5.2
Tooling and device deployment needs to be done through XCode, thereis not yet a Qt Creator integration available for Qt for iOS. The finalversion of Qt for iOS will be released with Qt 5.2, including supportfor Qt Quick 2.

Performance and Stability with Improved Tooling

With over 3000+ enhancements and bug fixes, Qt 5.1 provides a solidplatform for all types of software development in all industries.
Qt 5.1 comes integrated with Qt Creator IDE 2.7 offering a singlepackage for a complete and easy development experience with:
  • improved C++11 code editing support
  • Qt Quick Designer with full support for Qt Quick 2
  • Android development target.Online installers allow easy configurabilityand updating of your Qt environment.

Continued Innovation
New Modules

Qt Sensorsprovide access to sensor hardware and motion-gesture recognition. TheAPI can be used both from the C++ and QML side with support for Android,BlackBerry 10 , iOS and Mer platforms.
Qt Serial Port letsyou interface with physical and virtual serial ports of your device.
Qt X11 Extras provideyou direct access to screen information on platforms running the X server.

二笔 openSUSE Vim N9 BB10 XChinux@163.com 网易博客 腾讯微博
承接C++/Qt、Qt UI界面、PHP及预算报销系统开发业务

只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2013-07-03
1. Qt Quick中增加了新的布局功能
2.    Qt Quick Controls, Qt Quick Dialogs,终于将Dialogs功能加全了,以前特别缺少这方面的内容,这回,可以使用QML来写桌面界面了。

3.  Qt for Android支持,不过目前并不完全,最终版会在Qt 5.2中支持
4.    Qt for iOS支持,目前的功能支持程度还不如Qt for Andorid, 最终版也会在Qt 5.2中支持
5.   QtCreator 的C++11支持,Qt Quick Designer支持Qt Quick 2了, 还有android目标支持
6.   增加了Qt Sensors、Qt Serial Port、Qt X11 Extras三个模块7.  Q_PROPERTY MEMBER允许直接指定某个成员,而不必再指定getter和setter,这个比较好
8.  qmake为windows增加了RC_ICONS,这样就不必再写.rc文件来指定exe图标了吧
9.  支持Qt静态编译, MinGW升级到了4.8

二笔 openSUSE Vim N9 BB10 XChinux@163.com 网易博客 腾讯微博
承接C++/Qt、Qt UI界面、PHP及预算报销系统开发业务

只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2013-07-03

New Features in Qt 5.1

This is a list of new features slated to ship in Qt 5.1 release.
See also Qt 5 Features.    

New Modules

  • Qt Quick LayoutsProvides layouts for Qt Quick.
  • Qt Quick DialogsProvides dialogs for Qt Quick.
  • Qt X11 ExtrasPlatform specific components / APIs for X11.
  • Qt SensorsProvides access to sensor hardware and motion gesture recognition both via QML and C++ interfaces.
  • Supports Android, BlackBerry, iOS and Mer platforms.
  • Qt Serial PortProvides an interface for hardware and virtual serial ports.

The full list of modules in Qt 5.1 is therefore as follows:
Essential Modules
  • mocNew keyword in Q_PROPERTY:  MEMBER  let you bind a property to a class member without requiring to have a getter or a setter.
  • Windows: Added support for specifying application icon (via RC_ICONS).
Qt Core
  • Add support for SHA3 to QCryptographicHash.
  • A new class QMessageAuthenticationCode offering support for HMAC.
  • Added toInt(), toUInt(), etc… functions to QStringRef.
  • Threadsafe initialization of global statics trough refactored Q_GLOBAL_STATIC.
  • New class QLockFile that provides locking between processes, usinga file. This enables applications to check that there is only oneinstance of it running.
  • New class QSaveFile that provides transaction like file writing. Ensures that nothing or everything you asked for is written.
  • Support for embedding and reparenting of windows created fromother processes, via QWindow::fromWinId(); (implemented in the X11backend only, using the XEmbed protocol).
  • QWidget::createWindowContainer() adds the capability to embedQWindow instances, such as QQuickView or a QWindow using QOpenGLContext,into a QWidget hierarchy.
  • Support for kerning advances in QRawFont::advancesForGlyphIndexes.
  • QImageReader and QImageWriter adds the ability to report supported MimeTypes.
  • New input method plugin QComposeInputContext.
  • New GTK+ 2.x platformtheme plugin that provides native file, font and color dialogs.
  • QOpenGLContext::versionFunctions() provides access to all OpenGL functions.
  • New QOpenGLTimerQuery and QOpenGLTimeMonitor classes.
  • New QOpenGLDebugLogger class expose KHR_debug extension for easy debugging.
  • Added support for Geometry, Tessellation Control, TessellationEvaluation and Compute shaders to QOpenGLShader andQOpenGLShaderProgram.
  • New QOpenGLVertexArrayObject class.
Qt MultimediaQt Multimedia WidgetsQt Network
  • Add a new encrypted() signal to QNetworkAccessManager andQNetworkReply so that applications can perform additional checks on thecertificate chain.
  • Support for sending intermediate certificates when QSslSocket is used as a server, and when using client certificates.
  • Support for SSL session re-use allowing much faster connections to servers.
  • New QQmlApplicationEngine convenience class for QML applications.
  • New Instantiator type for generic, dynamic object creation
  • New QtQml.Models module containing ListElement, ListModel,DelegateModel, DelegateModelGroup and ObjectModel. These are all typeswhich were previously in QtQuick (some have changed names) and the typesare still available in the QtQuick module by the old names forcompatibility.
  • New properties on Qt.application: arguments, name, version.
Qt Quick
  • New threaded render loop for Mac, Linux and Embedded.
  • New render loop for windows providing velvet animations.
  • New QtQuick.Dialogs module with FileDialog and ColorDialog types
  • New Window properties: activeFocusItem, minimumWidth,minimumHeight, maximumWidth, maximumHeight, visibility,contentOrientation, opacity
  • New Item property: activeFocusOnTab
  • New Grid properties: horizontalAlignment, verticalAlignment, effectiveHorizontalAlignment
  • New TextEdit properties: selectByKeyboard, textDocument
  • A Window declared inside another Window or Item will automatically be transient for (centered upon) the outer window
Qt Quick Controls
  • see section at top of page (“New Modules”)
Qt Quick Layouts
  • see section at top of page (“New Modules”)
Qt SQLQt TestQt WebKit
  • JavaScript JIT on Windows 64 bit.
  • Improved JavaScript performance on MIPS architecture (JIT DFG and LLInt).
  • Improved font rendering, kerning enabled by default.
  • Improved garbage collection.
  • Improved support for Flash on Mac.
  • Improved support for JavaScript requestAnimationFrame callback.
  • Support for WOFF fonts.
  • Support for GStreamer 1.0.
  • Improved perceived page load performance and support for Link prefetch
Qt WebKit WidgetsQt Widgets
  • QMenu: [QTBUG-13663, QTBUG-2362] Added property toolTipsVisible.

Add-On Modules
  • Active Qt
  • Qt Concurrent
  • Qt D-Bus
  • Qt Declarative
  • Qt Graphical Effects
  • Qt Image Formats
  • Qt OpenGL
  • Qt Print Support
  • Qt Script
  • Qt Script Tools
  • Qt Sensors
  • Qt Serial Port
  • Qt SVG
  • Qt X11 Extras
  • Qt XML
  • Qt XML Patterns

Support for New Platforms

Qt 5.1 introduces support for following new platforms with technology preview status:
  • Qt for Android (Technology Preview)
  • Qt for iOS (Technology Preview)

Qt 5.1 re-introduces support for Windows Embedded Compact 7 (as Tier 2 platform)    

Qt Creator

Qt Creator 2.7 has been integrated in this Qt release with the most prominent new features:
  • Improved C++11 code editing support
  • Qt Quick Designer with full support for Qt Quick2
  • Android development target
  • Experimental QBS and Diff Integration


  • Online installer packages/repositories
  • New reference installersQt for Android (Windows, Linux 32bit and 64bit hosts)
  • MSVC2012 64bit OpenGL
  • MSVC2012 32bit ANGLE
MInGW version upgraded from 4.7 to 4.8    

Other New Features

  • Support for Static Qt builds
  • Perl build dependency removed (qtwebkit still has the perl dependency)
二笔 openSUSE Vim N9 BB10 XChinux@163.com 网易博客 腾讯微博
承接C++/Qt、Qt UI界面、PHP及预算报销系统开发业务

只看该作者 3楼 发表于: 2013-07-03
Qt 5.1升级很大,我要尝试Qt Quick Controls写桌面界面了,哈哈。
二笔 openSUSE Vim N9 BB10 XChinux@163.com 网易博客 腾讯微博
承接C++/Qt、Qt UI界面、PHP及预算报销系统开发业务

只看该作者 4楼 发表于: 2013-07-03

只看该作者 5楼 发表于: 2013-07-03
引用第4楼彩阳于2013-07-03 22:31发表的  :

二笔 openSUSE Vim N9 BB10 XChinux@163.com 网易博客 腾讯微博
承接C++/Qt、Qt UI界面、PHP及预算报销系统开发业务

只看该作者 6楼 发表于: 2013-07-03

只看该作者 7楼 发表于: 2013-07-03

只看该作者 8楼 发表于: 2013-07-04
6.   增加了Qt Sensers

单词写错了,应该是 sensor

只看该作者 9楼 发表于: 2013-07-04
引用第8楼yfx2003于2013-07-04 07:32发表的  :
6.   增加了Qt Sensers
单词写错了,应该是 sensor

二笔 openSUSE Vim N9 BB10 XChinux@163.com 网易博客 腾讯微博
承接C++/Qt、Qt UI界面、PHP及预算报销系统开发业务

只看该作者 10楼 发表于: 2013-07-04

只看该作者 11楼 发表于: 2013-07-04
回 1楼(XChinux) 的帖子
静态编译 对版本是否有要求?
总版主 是否 可给 菜鸟们介绍 详细 步骤。


只看该作者 12楼 发表于: 2013-07-04

只看该作者 13楼 发表于: 2013-07-04
Re:回 1楼(XChinux) 的帖子
引用第11楼hp_201111于2013-07-04 10:41发表的 回 1楼(XChinux) 的帖子 :
静态编译 对版本是否有要求?
总版主 是否 可给 菜鸟们介绍 详细 步骤。

二笔 openSUSE Vim N9 BB10 XChinux@163.com 网易博客 腾讯微博
承接C++/Qt、Qt UI界面、PHP及预算报销系统开发业务

只看该作者 14楼 发表于: 2013-07-04
引用第12楼hehui于2013-07-04 11:06发表的  :

二笔 openSUSE Vim N9 BB10 XChinux@163.com 网易博客 腾讯微博
承接C++/Qt、Qt UI界面、PHP及预算报销系统开发业务

只看该作者 15楼 发表于: 2013-07-04
Ubuntu  12.04   安装   Qt  5.10  OK
Xbuntu   12.04   安装   Qt  5.10  OK

Win7- 32 bit  安装   Qt  5.10  OK
Win- XP         安装   Qt  5.10  OK

Ubuntu   13.04   安装   Qt  5.10   编译 错误 提示  cannot find -GL

请教 版主 如何 安装   GL  

Ubuntu   13.04   安装   Qt  5.10   编译 错误 提示  cannot find -GL

sudo apt-get install mesa-common-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev    


只看该作者 16楼 发表于: 2013-07-04
linux安装gl, 是安装mesa吧??mesa-dev,不知道对不对。
二笔 openSUSE Vim N9 BB10 XChinux@163.com 网易博客 腾讯微博
承接C++/Qt、Qt UI界面、PHP及预算报销系统开发业务

只看该作者 17楼 发表于: 2013-07-04
回 13楼(XChinux) 的帖子
只看该作者 18楼 发表于: 2013-07-04
Qt 5.1 for android 和 qt 5.1 for windows 的不同在哪,
是不是只有Qt 5.1 for android 才支持发布到android,而Qt 5.1 for windows不能发布安卓

只看该作者 19楼 发表于: 2013-07-04
回 16楼(XChinux) 的帖子
sudo apt-get install mesa-common-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev

安装 后 OK


只看该作者 20楼 发表于: 2013-07-04
回 18楼(ykdkiller) 的帖子
应该是只有Qt 5.1 for android 才支持发布到android 。

不过要加入 Android  的开发 环境 , Android   SDK , Android  DNK 。 等等。

Qt 5.1 for android   也包含Qt 桌面 , 可以 通过 Kit  选择   。


只看该作者 21楼 发表于: 2013-07-04
Jobs Insanely Great.

只看该作者 22楼 发表于: 2013-07-05

只看该作者 23楼 发表于: 2013-07-05
最搞笑的是,打开Qt Quick Controls - Text Editor Example这个例子的QML,进入设计模式后,竟然新增的两个dialog(colorDialog 、fileDialog)都不能认出来,而相关的导入:QtQuick.Dialogs 1.0 又是提示导入正常。。。

只看该作者 24楼 发表于: 2013-07-07
引用第15楼hp_201111于2013-07-04 16:52发表的  :
Ubuntu  12.04   安装   Qt  5.10  OK
Xbuntu   12.04   安装   Qt  5.10  OK
Win7- 32 bit  安装   Qt  5.10  OK
Win- XP         安装   Qt  5.10  OK



只看该作者 25楼 发表于: 2013-07-07
引用第21楼weiweiqiao于2013-07-04 21:45发表的  :



只看该作者 26楼 发表于: 2013-07-07
引用第25楼uidab于2013-07-07 11:13发表的  :

二笔 openSUSE Vim N9 BB10 XChinux@163.com 网易博客 腾讯微博
承接C++/Qt、Qt UI界面、PHP及预算报销系统开发业务

只看该作者 27楼 发表于: 2013-07-09

只看该作者 28楼 发表于: 2013-07-09
回 27楼(yangkun52131) 的帖子
限100 字节
上一个 下一个