Qt Quick Enterprise Controls – The First StepPublished Thursday January 9th, 2014 | by
Hanne Linaae Happy New Year! We would like to welcome the Qt year 2014 by introducing the first release of
Qt Quick Enterprise Controls.
In July 2013, with the release of Qt 5.1, we introduced the
Qt Quick Controls.These controls
make it even easier to develop Qt Quick applications byproviding a set of pre-built UI controls. The goal for the Qt QuickControls is to provide generic components that are easy to customize andextend.
Over the past years, many of our Qt Enterprise customers havesuggested that we provide more advanced — or specialized — pre-made UIcontrols for industry-specific use cases. So, we took the challenge andsaw it as a great opportunity to finally implement some of these foryou, based on the Qt Quick Controls. These specialized controls go underthe name
Qt Quick Enterprise Controls and are available exclusively for all Qt Enterprise and Qt Mobile customers with no additional charge.
The project is an on-going one, very much based on the input andrequests we have received from early access programs. We are startingoff our first public launch with a small set of six customizablecontrols:
- Circular Gauge (e.g. for a Speedometer)
- Gauge (a straight gauge e.g. for a Thermometer)
- Delay Button
- Pie Menu
- Dial
- Toggle Button
The Qt Quick Enterprise Controls are nicely integrated with the QtEnterprise
Designer, so that you can visually design your applicationincluding them.
We plan on extending this set of controls based on the response wereceive from you. We are open to developing controls for a few specificindustries (for example, medical and automotive) or more genericcontrols like the existing ones.
Download & TryIf you are a Qt Enterprise or Qt Mobile license holder, you can getthe Qt Quick Enterprise Controls through your online installer, or getthe source through your
customer portal. They are also part of the Qt Enterprise and Qt Mobile 30-day free trials which you can get from
The documentation is available
hereand we’ve listed couple of minor known issues
So please, take them for a spin, use them in your applications, andlet us know how to make even better tools for you to work with bycontacting us at: