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A Development Environment for Qt4 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2006-08-07
QIde is an development environment entirely dedicated to Qt4. QIde requires Qt4, MinGW and possibly gdb for programs debugging . QIde is available in English and French, for Windows and Linux.

Characteristics :
- Reading and writing project files (with some small restrictions)
- Add / Delete and edit files (internal or external of project)
- Management of projects SUBDIRS in a rather correct way I think.
- Independent build for each projects. I.e. are rebuild only the really modified projects.
- In the event of errors or warnings during building, double-click on the line opens the corresponding file on editor.
- Debugging with gdb. Toggle breakpoints by click in the line number on editor or by right click. When the program is stopped on breakpoint, it's possible to view variables contents with a linedit.
- In the editor, F1 call Assistant to show help for the word under the cursor.

QIDe is new but really functional. Test it if you want !

Available on http://qide.free.fr/index_en.html

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